Getting Ready

The Emerald Cup was in Seattle, April 25 and 26, 2014. I was entered in the Masters and Open Physique classes.This looked like quite a big event. There were many people in every class. If I wanted to finish on the podium I would need to beat a lot of folks.

Its only two weeks now until I am on the stage. I need to be very precise about what I eat. See the menu below. In Physique you do not want to be "shredded"like a bodybuilder, or they will dock you points. I need to have moderate muscularity, but still preserve enough subcutaneous fat so I still look feminine. [see the guidelines, I also included below.]

I have not done as much weight training for this event, but have been following George St Pierre's "Rushfit" workouts. These are not just cardio, but use lots of strength exercise. I find my muscle mass "grows up" very quickly. Then I lose flexibility which I will need later this summer.

This will be a new venue for me. New competition, new judges. I am getting excited.

I am getting ready.

Recently, I received an email from the organizers of the 2014 Emerald cup in Seattle. I am entered in two Physique classes, Masters and Open. Looks like good competition, looking at last year's photos and result. It will be good to be in a different zone; different entrants, different judges, different venue.

I am getting ready. I still need to lose some fat from around the abdomen and flanks; get better definition  So now I eat the lean meats and green vegetables[lots of asparagus], cut back on the starchy carbs.

Now is the time for George St Pierre and his Rushfit Workouts, every morning for an hour. Later in the day do some weight training and stretch.

Here's their inspiration message.

Today marks your 8 week countdown. 8 weeks until you step on the 2014 Emerald Cup stage!

“If it was easy, everyone would do it!” Right? But that is what separates you from everyone else around you. You are strong in mind, will and body. You are the take charge person, the go to person. You are on this journey to the 2014 Emerald Cup stage because of it. You get things done. You have the mind of a champion.

Soon it will all come together. You will be tanning, flexing, posing, and standing in front of a mirror in your posing suit looking awesome! The moment you step on stage you will know that it was all worth it!

Look at your green bracelet when you feel like skipping a workout or cheating on your competition diet. It is there to remind you that you have the power in you to accomplish your goal!

I know this message is sent to everyone, but it is nice to hear these good words about something you are doing.

In this sex job, you don't  get showered with praise very often. Bruce and you customers do your best. And that's enough, actually. The rest of the world has it wrong. Bruce and I continue to try to move the goalposts. Its a slow process, but I see change, and Bruce tells me that attitudes have changed a lot in the last 50 years.

Meanwhile, I still feel good about the inspiration email.